Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Who flung poo? I FLUNG POO! A Battle Report

Speedy Demons, v1

Great Unclean One, Greater Reward x2 (IWND/+1 w, armor/fleshbane), Endurance, Warlord (Instant Death)


Herald of Slaanesh, Psyker level 1 (Shroud), Big Etherblade, Little Etherblade, Steed, Locus of Beguilement (beguiled me into not using it all game)

10 Demonettes, Alluress
10 Demonettes

6 Screamers
15 Flesh Hounds
17 Seekers, Heartseeker, Rapturous Standard

Soul Grinder, Slaanesh, Torrent
Demon Prince, Nurgle, Wings, Armor, Greater Reward x2 (Balesword, reroll invulnerable)
Demon Prince, Nurgle, Wings, Armor, Greater Reward x2 (FNP 4+, reroll invulnerable)


Clint's list (from memory, he can correct me if I make any egregious errors)

Khorne Lord, juggernaut, axe of a zillion attacks, sigil
10 cultists
10 cultists
10 marines, double plasma, rhino w/ havoc launcher and destroyer blades
10 marines, double flamer, rhino w/havoc launcher and destroyer blades
4 spawn
Heldrake w/cannon
Maulerfiend w/magma thingies
Maulerfiend w/magma thingies
Defiler w/heavy flamers and a bunch of attacks
3 deep striking Helbrutes with various weapons

 My cunning plan was to try and envelop him by scouting the Hounds around one flank and using the freakish speed of the Seekers on the other while pushing the Princes, Grinder and GOO up the middle.  Oh and fling Nurgle poop (defensive grenades) at every available opportunity. Naturally, we roll this mission:

Which makes any kind of envelopment pretty well impossible with the long deployment. Objectives are sprinkled about the board and I win the roll to go first.

I decide to deep strike both Demonette squads.

 Everyone else lines up in what looks like a traditional NFL offensive line. I put the Seekers and Herald near the Hounds and Grinder thinking that shrouding affects units, not just models.
 Clint deploys pretty symmetrically with marines and cultists on either side with the Maulerfiends on point, Lord w/spawn on one side and the Defiler in ruins on the other.

 I scout the Hounds into the ruins. Clint fails to seize. Night fight turn one.
 Speedy Demons, turn 1:

Everyone moves forward except the Seekers who move backwards and the Hounds who pull back from the Maulerfiend. The Screamers take a wound moving into the building.

 I roll a 6 for the psychic phase. I throw 4 dice at shrouding and succeed (only to be depressed when I actually read the power). I toss 4 dice at endurance and don't get it after I read the power and find that it is warp charge 2. My failure in the psychic phase is now complete.

The warp storm also mocks me with -1 to invulnerable saves. Luckily night fighting is here to totally bail me out, lol. The Screamers turbo boost over the spawn and kill one while losing one of their number crashing into the ruins.

 The Seekers run backwards to act as a mobile reserve against the deep striking Helbrutes and claim whatever objectives may come up. Grinder runs forward.
 Chaos Engine Army of Doom, turn 1:

Maulerfiends run forward to assault the sword Prince.

 Cultists and the Defiler stay put while the marines in front of the Screamers hop out to shoot at them. The Lord and his spawn retinue turn around to help sort out the Screamers. The marines fail to do any wounds to the Screamers thanks to crappy rolling and night fighting saves. The Hounds also weather shooting from the Defiler and Havoc launcher.
 The Mauler on my left succeeds in charging the Prince while the one on my right whiffs it despite fleet. The Prince manages a glance while the Mauler can't overcome his awesome weapon skill.
 The Lord kills every Screamer dead with a ridiculous number of wounds from his axe of murderousness.
 And the consolidate back into the ruins. First blood to Clint.

 Speedy Demons, turn 2:

Both Demonette units arrive and deep strike into the open in Clint's backfield.

 The Grinder and Prince move to charge the unengaged Mauler while the GOO moves to bail out the other Prince. The hounds move forward to attempt an absurd 12 inch charge (which they fail and take a wound in overwatch for their trouble).
 I roll another 6 for the psychic phase. I get shroud off with 3 dice and a perils wound on the Herald. 5 dice gets endurance off on the Hounds, Clint fails to counter it.

 Shooting sees the Grinder's Harvester cannon knock 2 hull points off the Mauler (loler) while the Prince flings some poo that promptly deviates onto the Hounds. Luckily no wounds caused and they pass their I test. The Demonettes run to more defensible positions. Nurgle also hurls shit at Clint's guys thanks to the warp storm but nothing comes of it.

 The Mauler gets tag teamed and killed by the Grinder/Prince team while the other Mauler weathers the Prince only to take 4 penetrating hits from the GOO and his mighty armorbane. Clint saves 3 of the 4 only to have the GOO explode it with a 6 on the last pen. Teach him to roll so many saves. The GOO takes a wound from the explosion, embarrassingly enough. It does motivate him to make a 6 inch consolidate though, so there is that.

 Chaos Engine Army of Doom, turn 2:

All 3 Helbrutes come in but one mishaps onto my Seekers back into ongoing reserve. The other two drop into the ruins behind the GOO. The Heldrake also arrives.
 The Lord and spawn move up to tackle the GOO.

 The marines jump out of the Rhino to use their flamers on the Hounds while the Defiler moves up.
 The cultists clamber out of the ruins to use a flamer on the unsuspecting Demonettes.
 And between their shooting and the cultists in the neighboring building the girls take a real shellacking. Luckily 4 Demonettes should be able to sort out 10 cultists, so I'm not brokenhearted about it. The other unit of Demonettes get thumped by shooting from the Rhino's Havoc launcher and all but one die. The Heldrake and the marines from the building pour their fire into the GOO, but cover+shroud+demon save+FNP means nothing gets through. Clint's personal morale is shaken.
 The Hounds fare pretty well considering double flamers, Havoc launcher and a direct hit from the Defiler's battle cannon.
 The Defiler attempts to charge the Hounds and despite having to climb over a barricade succeeds its 9 inch charge. Ruh roh. I lose a couple Hounds but they hang around thanks to Karanak's beefy ld8. The demonettes charge the cultists and kill them but wind up with one girl remaining. She consolidates into the ruin to snag the objective.
 The Khorne Lord rashly charges the GOO with his spawn friends. He has to challenge and after doing a couple wounds to him the GOO splats him with his instant death/fleshbane/ap2 lovin'. The spawn hang around to be killed in the next turn.
Speedy Demon, turn 3:

The sword prince heads towards the marines and cultists in the building while the mask prince heads towards the other squad. Seekers fan out and head towards the Helbrutes and the objective in the ruins that I happen to have 2 tactical cards for.

The Grinder moves to bail out the Hounds.
 A not-so-mighty wind of psychic power gives me 4 dice for endurance which fails to go off. Slaanesh threatens to bomb people with the warp storm table and attacks no one.

Grinder does a hull point on the Defiler while the Defiler kills 2 Hounds. Again thanks to Karanak they stick around. The mask prince charges the marine squad (after flinging his poo, I test passed), taking 2 wounds from flamers (!) in overwatch but handily crushes the Aspiring champion and running down the rest of the squad. The GOO wipes the spawn and heads towards the Helbrutes.
.Chaos Engine Army of Doom, turn 3:

The wayward Helbrute arrives near an objective Clint happens to have a card for.
The Rhino tank shocks the lone Demonette with its Destroyer Blades, and holy crap t3 5++ models do NOT want to get hit by that. She takes a ton of wounds and dies.

The Helbrute brigade advances towards the Seekers and kill a couple with shooting. Heavy flamers are trouble.

The Heldrake flies over to shoot at the mask prince, but shroud+jink=practically invincible.
The cripple fight between the two giant walkers continues. The Grinder pretty consistently whiffs his attacks and the ones that do get through fail to pen. They trade hull points from glances. The GOO regenerates his wound.
Speedy Demon, turn 4:

The Seekers fan out to multi charge all 3 Helbrutes.
I get six dice and again fail to get endurance off. How embarrassing. The Seekers charge all the Brutes and take a monstrous amount of casualties from overwatch from the two heavy flamers. What was looking like a pretty decent shot of glancing a couple of them out is now looking spectacularly grim. The Seekers apparently were traumatized by the overwatch as they drop the ball against the Brutes, even with the assist from the Rapturous Standard. The Herald at least gives one of them the what for with her Etherblade and blows it up. This probably would have gone better had I remembered the exalted locus, durrrrr.
The sword Prince flings poo, doing a wound but they pass their I test. He accepts the challenge from the overly confident champion and runs down the entire squad. The champion did put a wound on him with his power fist.  The mask Prince joins the fight against the Defiler, stripping a couple hull points from it.

The GOO trundles towards the Seekers to bail them out with his armorbane, but he takes his sweet time with it (as GOOs are wont to do).
Chaos Engine Army of Doom, turn 4:

Most of Clint's stuff is engaged so it is a quick turn. The giant walker tickle fight continues, the Drake squeezes off a couple shots at the GOO, Clint scores a bunch of VP because Rhinos are scoring machines nowadays. The Seekers take some more whacks and are down to a handful of guys.
Speedy Demon, turn 5:

With their powers combined, the Grinder and Prince hull point down the Defiler. Grinder is down to his last hull point now. It consolidates toward the Rhino in the building, the Prince towards the other Rhino and the Hounds back into the ruins snag the objective (for which I have 2 cards, lol).
The Seekers are down to 2 guys plus the Herald. Trouble. The GOO better hurry up or they're DOOMED!
Grinder moves towards the Rhino but is unable to make the charge. This will prove to be BAD NEWS.
After missing with his poop, the sword Prince gobbles up the cultists in the building.
The mask prince charges the Destroyer Blade Rhino and leaves it with one hull point.
Chaos Engine Army of Doom, turn 5:

The Drake opts to hover to shoot at the ass of the Grinder-who-failed-the-charge. Destroyer Blade Rhino kills the mask prince with a fierce tank shock. Ignominy.
Grinder is gunned down by the Drake.
The Herald heroically passes her invulnerable saves leaving her and a lone Seeker to keep the Brutes at bay.
 If the game ends here I win by a pretty healthy margin. It doesn't.

Speedy Demons, turn 6:

"Here I come to save the day!"- GOO
"Tasty Helturkey? Don't mind if I do."- Hounds. They wreck the bird.
"PRINCE SMASH!"- Sword Prince. Only does 2 hull points.
Lasher Brute down. HQ high five.
Chaos Engine Army of Doom, turn 6:

Brute heads over to the objective that Clint has a card for.

Rhino refuses to die, giving Clint enough VP to tie it up.

In hindsight I should have kept better track of what was going on with the objectives, lol.

Things I think I think:

-Shroud+jink is as absurd as I thought it would be.
-Scouting Hounds always backfires. Always.
-Heldrakes are as junky as I feared.
-Walkers are a lot better nowadays, esp av13 ones or ones with a ton of HP (or both).
-Chaos marines are wretched, wretched troops choices. Like horrid.
-GOOs should be deep struck. I only got mine into the game because Clint obligingly offered me opportunities to get free movement with him. They make beastly warlords too.
-Maelstrom missions are fun, but can create huge swings of luck. I like that you can win even if you're losing tons of models.
-OS transports are the bee's knees. I think this may well be the edition where the marine tactical squad finally shines.
-I totally squandered the Screamers, I should have held them back as a counter strike unit against the Maulers. Oops.
-I like the list pretty well, the deployment did me no favors but I think I weathered it about as well as I could given my screwed up deployment, lol. The Herald doesn't need the psyker level. I probably should swap Karanak out for a Khorne Herald on a juggernaut too.

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